Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Third week, and the semester is in full swing. We have started learning about conjugation in addition to new vocabulary. We are getting used to a new gradebook program, prepping for the semester, and students have adjusted beautifully to the life of a sixth grader.

Here is the link to the video we viewed in class. Remember, the video is about conjugation in Spanish, but the concept is the same.

The diagram below was shown in class as well. This is the pattern you follow for regular verbs!

Coming up: The Facebook Project. Parents, don't worry, it is a hard copy project. Students will turn in a "profile" in ALL German on paper (either computer generated or hand drawn). More on this later!


Frau G

Monday, August 11, 2014


First of all, welcome back! Sommer ist vorbei, und es ist mal wieder Zeit zum lernen!

I hope everyone had a fun, safe, wonderful and relaxing summer. I sure enjoyed my time away! Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to our normal routine. I have missed teaching! This will be my second year at KMS. I am oh so very excited to be back with my colleagues and students. I look forward to what the year brings, the relationships we will build, and the German you will learn! Very excited.

Almost as excited as this guy......

..... who is he, by the way?

Please check in regularly for classroom updates, explanations, example student work, and even homework. That's all for now!


Frau G