Hallole :),
Earlier this week the students took their quiz on "Kleidung".
We then started the unit "Körperteile". They were given a new vocabulary sheet, and will have a quiz on it next week! We will breeze through this Unit rather quickly, as there are a lot of cognates. So far they have worked on a Körperteile packet, which has five sections (A-E).
Students have also received a poem they are to memorize for the week after Club Day (on 2/14). Students will present Monday (2/17) and Tuesday (2/18).
Here is the poem again, for those who may have lost it, and for parents to see as well.
Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen,
die hat einen Andern erwählt;
der Andre liebt' eine Andre,
und hat sich mit dieser vermählt.
Das Mädchen heiratet aus Ärger
den ersten besten Mann
der ihr in den Weg gelaufen;
der Jüngling ist übel dran.
Es ist eine alte Geschichte
doch bleibt sie immer neu;
und wem sie just passieret,
dem bricht das Herz entzwei.
A young man loves a girl,
who has chosen another man,
the other loves yet another
and has gotten married to her.
The girl marries out of resentment
the first, best man
who crosses her path;
the young man is badly off.
It is an old story
but remains eternally new,
and for him to whom it has just happened
it breaks his heart in two.
As promised, I have included the English translation. Do not wait until the last minute to start memorizing the poem!
That is all for now. Bis bald!
Frau G