Who doesn't like listening to Disney while working diligently in class?
The kiddos did prefer current films (like Frozen), compared to the oldies...
Enjoy "Lass Jetzt Los" at home as well. :)
Alles liebe,
Frau G
Monday, September 15, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Facebook Projekt
There is an EXTENSION! Don't worry about the project this weekend, it will not be due until the week of the 15th.
Please be practicing your conjugation 15 minutes a night. See link in the post below, or you can search "Conjuguemos" in Google.
Alles gute und hab ein schönes Wochenende!
Frau G
Please be practicing your conjugation 15 minutes a night. See link in the post below, or you can search "Conjuguemos" in Google.
Alles gute und hab ein schönes Wochenende!
Frau G
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Conjugation Practice
As with anything, practice, practice, practice makes perfect!
Please use >>this link<< to practice conjugation. Be honest with yourself! Don't use any of your "hacks"....
Please use >>this link<< to practice conjugation. Be honest with yourself! Don't use any of your "hacks"....
Vielen dank!
Frau G
Frau G
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Third week, and the semester is in full swing. We have started learning about conjugation in addition to new vocabulary. We are getting used to a new gradebook program, prepping for the semester, and students have adjusted beautifully to the life of a sixth grader.
Here is the link to the video we viewed in class. Remember, the video is about conjugation in Spanish, but the concept is the same.
The diagram below was shown in class as well. This is the pattern you follow for regular verbs!

Coming up: The Facebook Project. Parents, don't worry, it is a hard copy project. Students will turn in a "profile" in ALL German on paper (either computer generated or hand drawn). More on this later!
Frau G
Here is the link to the video we viewed in class. Remember, the video is about conjugation in Spanish, but the concept is the same.
The diagram below was shown in class as well. This is the pattern you follow for regular verbs!
Coming up: The Facebook Project. Parents, don't worry, it is a hard copy project. Students will turn in a "profile" in ALL German on paper (either computer generated or hand drawn). More on this later!
Frau G
Monday, August 11, 2014
First of all, welcome back! Sommer ist vorbei, und es ist mal wieder Zeit zum lernen!

I hope everyone had a fun, safe, wonderful and relaxing summer. I sure enjoyed my time away! Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to our normal routine. I have missed teaching! This will be my second year at KMS. I am oh so very excited to be back with my colleagues and students. I look forward to what the year brings, the relationships we will build, and the German you will learn! Very excited.
Almost as excited as this guy......
..... who is he, by the way?
Please check in regularly for classroom updates, explanations, example student work, and even homework. That's all for now!
Frau G

I hope everyone had a fun, safe, wonderful and relaxing summer. I sure enjoyed my time away! Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to our normal routine. I have missed teaching! This will be my second year at KMS. I am oh so very excited to be back with my colleagues and students. I look forward to what the year brings, the relationships we will build, and the German you will learn! Very excited.
Almost as excited as this guy......
..... who is he, by the way?
Please check in regularly for classroom updates, explanations, example student work, and even homework. That's all for now!
Frau G
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Menu Project Due Date
The Menu Project is due on MONDAY, MAY 5TH no matter which team you are on! Don't forget! Please see the previous blog post for a link to the Webquest. You can use a sheet of 11x14 piece of paper that I have given you or a regular computer paper. Construction paper works to! Make sure it is legible. NEAT. Beautiful. Include prices. Using the euro sign. Do not forget that in German you use a comma and not a period (€ 5,80). I look forward to seeing your final drafts!
Alles liebe,
Frau G
Please see link below for rubric.
The Menu Project is due on MONDAY, MAY 5TH no matter which team you are on! Don't forget! Please see the previous blog post for a link to the Webquest. You can use a sheet of 11x14 piece of paper that I have given you or a regular computer paper. Construction paper works to! Make sure it is legible. NEAT. Beautiful. Include prices. Using the euro sign. Do not forget that in German you use a comma and not a period (€ 5,80). I look forward to seeing your final drafts!
Alles liebe,
Frau G
Please see link below for rubric.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Menu Projekt!
Please use the following link to visit the WebQuest!
We will have two days in the library during class time. Use this time wisely!
Vielen dank und alles liebe,
Frau G
The following link has some German food vocabulary words.
We will have two days in the library during class time. Use this time wisely!
Vielen dank und alles liebe,
Frau G
The following link has some German food vocabulary words.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Poetry Illustrations for "Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen"
Please take a look at the beautiful student work samples below! The sixth grade blew me away with their artistic skills and creativity.
1. Just adorable. And who doesn't love hedgehogs? :)

2. Look at those expressions!

3. Love the third section.

4. Love the first section!

5. Hilarious.

6. Really well done!

Hope you enjoyed stopping by!
Alles gute,
Frau G
1. Just adorable. And who doesn't love hedgehogs? :)
2. Look at those expressions!
3. Love the third section.
4. Love the first section!
5. Hilarious.
6. Really well done!
Hope you enjoyed stopping by!
Alles gute,
Frau G
Friday, February 28, 2014
Frau B's Cultural German Class (Every Wednesday)
Some of you may have already heard, every Wednesday Frau Baumann teaches the sixth grade about German culture. It has been very neat to see! The lessons she has prepared so far focus on Berlin. Such a fun city! (Frau G did a mini study abroad there in 2007. Perhaps you will see some personal photos up here shortly.)
The first homework assignment she has given is to draw a section of the Berlin wall,... what freedom might look like to you, how you might illustrate breaking free of the "walls" you experience in your life. Here are some student examples.

They're beautiful, aren't they?
Frau G
The first homework assignment she has given is to draw a section of the Berlin wall,... what freedom might look like to you, how you might illustrate breaking free of the "walls" you experience in your life. Here are some student examples.
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Frau G
Monday, February 17, 2014
Snow Update
Hello all,
I hope you've enjoyed your week off!
Comets and Quasars should be prepared to turn in their poem drawing assignment when we return to school on Tuesday, January 18th.
You are to complete 3 drawings based on the poem given in class. (You may also find it in the previous blog post.)
Please WRITE at least 3 lines from the poem on your drawing as well. (In German, of course!)
You may draw and write out the entire poem if you would like.
The quiz is postponed until Thursday 2/20 and Friday 2/21 and we will briefly discuss poem presentations in class on Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19. They will also be postponed until Monday 2/24 and Tuesday 2/25.
Alles liebe,
Frau G
I hope you've enjoyed your week off!
Comets and Quasars should be prepared to turn in their poem drawing assignment when we return to school on Tuesday, January 18th.
You are to complete 3 drawings based on the poem given in class. (You may also find it in the previous blog post.)
Please WRITE at least 3 lines from the poem on your drawing as well. (In German, of course!)
You may draw and write out the entire poem if you would like.
The quiz is postponed until Thursday 2/20 and Friday 2/21 and we will briefly discuss poem presentations in class on Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19. They will also be postponed until Monday 2/24 and Tuesday 2/25.
Alles liebe,
Frau G
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Körperteile und "Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen"
Hallole :),
Earlier this week the students took their quiz on "Kleidung".
We then started the unit "Körperteile". They were given a new vocabulary sheet, and will have a quiz on it next week! We will breeze through this Unit rather quickly, as there are a lot of cognates. So far they have worked on a Körperteile packet, which has five sections (A-E).
Students have also received a poem they are to memorize for the week after Club Day (on 2/14). Students will present Monday (2/17) and Tuesday (2/18).
Here is the poem again, for those who may have lost it, and for parents to see as well.
As promised, I have included the English translation. Do not wait until the last minute to start memorizing the poem!
That is all for now. Bis bald!
Frau G
Earlier this week the students took their quiz on "Kleidung".
We then started the unit "Körperteile". They were given a new vocabulary sheet, and will have a quiz on it next week! We will breeze through this Unit rather quickly, as there are a lot of cognates. So far they have worked on a Körperteile packet, which has five sections (A-E).
Students have also received a poem they are to memorize for the week after Club Day (on 2/14). Students will present Monday (2/17) and Tuesday (2/18).
Here is the poem again, for those who may have lost it, and for parents to see as well.
Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen, die hat einen Andern erwählt; der Andre liebt' eine Andre, und hat sich mit dieser vermählt. Das Mädchen heiratet aus Ärger den ersten besten Mann der ihr in den Weg gelaufen; der Jüngling ist übel dran. Es ist eine alte Geschichte doch bleibt sie immer neu; und wem sie just passieret, dem bricht das Herz entzwei. | A young man loves a girl, who has chosen another man, the other loves yet another and has gotten married to her. The girl marries out of resentment the first, best man who crosses her path; the young man is badly off. It is an old story but remains eternally new, and for him to whom it has just happened it breaks his heart in two. |
As promised, I have included the English translation. Do not wait until the last minute to start memorizing the poem!
That is all for now. Bis bald!
Frau G
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Kleidung Quiz
I hope everyone survived the cold!
We will all have interesting January 2014 Snow Storm Stories for years to come.......
Everyone, Quasars and Comets, should be prepared for a Quiz! This should come as no surprise.
Bis bald,
Frau G
We will all have interesting January 2014 Snow Storm Stories for years to come.......
Everyone, Quasars and Comets, should be prepared for a Quiz! This should come as no surprise.
Bis bald,
Frau G
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Fashion Show REMINDER
The sixth grade Fashion Show will take place this Monday (for Quasars) and Tuesday (for Comets) in Frau G's German Classroom.
REMEMBER to bring your Fashion Show outfit, script, and an enthusiastic attitude. See you then!
Frau G
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Kleidung, Notes, Fashion Show Details
Hello, all!
I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day weekend. I know I enjoyed the extra day off to sleep in.
As promised, here is a blog post with some reminders and notes. I will also list the expectations for the Fashion Show once again.
Here is an example of the homework design assignment. Students were asked to design three outfits from their closet and write three short descriptions on the back.
Remember, the two ways to structure your sentences are:
He wears....
Er trägt....
He has ..... on. (He has on......)
Er hat ..... an.
Please see the picture below for a review on the notes taken in class.
Blue is for "der words", pink is for "die words", and lastly green is for "das words".
I hope the color coding visual will help you understand the concept.
My suggestion is that you start by listing the outfit you will wear, and figure out which ones are der, die, or das. Then, begin to structure your short script and be sure to use the correct for of 'ein' (einen, eine, ein). Use as many adjectives as you would like, but be sure to add on the correct ending!
Your grade for the Fashion Show will be based on the following 3 things:
1. Your Attitude.
Are you actively participating the day of by paying attention and encouraging classmates? Are you focused and not being disruptive? Are you simply enjoying the end product of the unit?
2. Your Script.
The day of the Fashion Show (next Monday for Quasars, Tuesday for Comets) you must have a typed or neatly handwritten script to be handed in to Frau G. The script must be the description of the outfit that either you or your partner will be wearing for the assignment.
You and your partner may decide amongst yourselves whether YOU are writing the script for YOUR OUTFIT, and YOUR PARTNER will read that script... OR... whether YOU will write the description for YOUR PARTNER'S OUTFIT and YOU will read it.
3. Your Pronunciation.
Are you enunciating? How comfortable do you sound reading the script? How easy is it to understand you? .... How fluent do you sound?
And lastly....
I'm goin' to Space Camp, I'm goin' to Space Camp, I'm goin' to Space Camp....
:does Frau G's happy dance:
See you at 7:15 at Murphy Candler Park!
Alles liebe,
Frau G
I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day weekend. I know I enjoyed the extra day off to sleep in.
As promised, here is a blog post with some reminders and notes. I will also list the expectations for the Fashion Show once again.
Here is an example of the homework design assignment. Students were asked to design three outfits from their closet and write three short descriptions on the back.
Remember, the two ways to structure your sentences are:
He wears....
Er trägt....
He has ..... on. (He has on......)
Er hat ..... an.
Please see the picture below for a review on the notes taken in class.
Blue is for "der words", pink is for "die words", and lastly green is for "das words".
I hope the color coding visual will help you understand the concept.
My suggestion is that you start by listing the outfit you will wear, and figure out which ones are der, die, or das. Then, begin to structure your short script and be sure to use the correct for of 'ein' (einen, eine, ein). Use as many adjectives as you would like, but be sure to add on the correct ending!
Your grade for the Fashion Show will be based on the following 3 things:
1. Your Attitude.
Are you actively participating the day of by paying attention and encouraging classmates? Are you focused and not being disruptive? Are you simply enjoying the end product of the unit?
2. Your Script.
The day of the Fashion Show (next Monday for Quasars, Tuesday for Comets) you must have a typed or neatly handwritten script to be handed in to Frau G. The script must be the description of the outfit that either you or your partner will be wearing for the assignment.
You and your partner may decide amongst yourselves whether YOU are writing the script for YOUR OUTFIT, and YOUR PARTNER will read that script... OR... whether YOU will write the description for YOUR PARTNER'S OUTFIT and YOU will read it.
3. Your Pronunciation.
Are you enunciating? How comfortable do you sound reading the script? How easy is it to understand you? .... How fluent do you sound?
And lastly....
I'm goin' to Space Camp, I'm goin' to Space Camp, I'm goin' to Space Camp....
:does Frau G's happy dance:
See you at 7:15 at Murphy Candler Park!
Alles liebe,
Frau G
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Kleidung Collages
Welcome back!
I hope everyone had a wonderful (and relaxing) break and a Happy New Year!
We started out this semester working with Kleidung (Clothing). This unit will be focused on the students learning (reviewing) clothing vocabulary and learning a bit of grammar as well. So far we have:
-continued to have warm ups
-were introduced to the new vocabulary list
-have played two vocabulary games in class using manipulatives,a "Matching/Memory Game" and "Wer hat..? Ich habe.."
-made a clothing collage/figure in class
-been given three mannequin templates to draw possible outfit designs for the Fashion Show
-on the back they are describing their three outfit ideas using 5 Kleidung Vokabeln und 4 Adjektiven
They have been given a handout which lists the vocabulary they are expected to know for this unit. We took notes in class on how they are to write a paragraph/ their ‘script’ for the Fashion Show. The Fashion Show will take place once the sixth grade gets back from Space Camp and will be a whole class thing; they will have time to change in and out of their outfits. Students are expected to partner up and while Partner A models, Partner B will describe Partner A’s outfit in German. They will have a full day to plan and rehearse in class with their partner
That is all for now, bis später!
Frau G
I hope everyone had a wonderful (and relaxing) break and a Happy New Year!
We started out this semester working with Kleidung (Clothing). This unit will be focused on the students learning (reviewing) clothing vocabulary and learning a bit of grammar as well. So far we have:
-continued to have warm ups
-were introduced to the new vocabulary list
-have played two vocabulary games in class using manipulatives,a "Matching/Memory Game" and "Wer hat..? Ich habe.."
-made a clothing collage/figure in class
-been given three mannequin templates to draw possible outfit designs for the Fashion Show
-on the back they are describing their three outfit ideas using 5 Kleidung Vokabeln und 4 Adjektiven
They have been given a handout which lists the vocabulary they are expected to know for this unit. We took notes in class on how they are to write a paragraph/ their ‘script’ for the Fashion Show. The Fashion Show will take place once the sixth grade gets back from Space Camp and will be a whole class thing; they will have time to change in and out of their outfits. Students are expected to partner up and while Partner A models, Partner B will describe Partner A’s outfit in German. They will have a full day to plan and rehearse in class with their partner
That is all for now, bis später!
Frau G
![]() |
Kleidung Collage Chaos |
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
KMS Awards
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